

Alfredo Olguin

Recently Published

Yelp's Business Characteristics. An Algorithm to Understand Business Averageness Performance
The goal of this project specialization is to perform analysis on the Yelp data-set. This paper intention is to develop an algorithm from the economic point of view to understand business characteristics that are more desirable to costumers. Objective aims to demonstrate that some specific characteristics can lead to business average success according to the proposed algorithm.
Finanzas y trabajo. México ante la mundialización neoliberal.
Bibliografía ========================================================= 1. Guillén Romo, Héctor (2005), “Finanzas y trabajo”, en México frente a la Mundialización Neoliberal, Editorial ERA, México, pp. 257-288. 2. Alejandro, V, & Ivan, M 2012, 'What is the Relationship Between the Rates of Interest and Profit? An Empirical Note for the U.S. Economy, 1869-2009, Investigación Económica, 280, p. 163 3. Olguin, Alfredo; Ávila, Alejandro (2015): Teoría de ciclos reales de negocios; Construcción de un modelo de elasticidad de sustitución dinámico bajo la aplicación de las expectativas adaptativas forward-backward looking. figshare.
¿Está derrotado el Marxismo?
Clase EPI Septiembre 7
The coursera course 9 class project presentation about my shiny app.