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Twitter Dataset HiWi
Analysis of tweets from the first USA presidential debate, in 2016. Data source: doi:10.7910/DVN/PDI7IN
Analysis of Data
As part of "Crowdsourcing Data Analysis 2: Science, Gender, and Status", I have analysed "a dataset on intellectual conversations" from (7600 rows). Two hypotheses are looked upon where I try to answer them as close as possible. Open in a browser other than Firefox, please. GitHub Repo:
The Attractiveness Index of Global Economies (Oct. 2015)
This is a short "code-summary", which shows how I have created The Attractiveness Index of Global Economies in my bachelor's thesis ( It uses latest data available as of October 2015. The source code for the thesis can be found at GitHub:
Benchmark binding of rows with rbind, plyr, dplyr and data.table
Binding of rows with 3 functions from plyr, dplyr and data.table. All of them compared to default rbind.
Analysis of Hacking Team Email List
A short analysis of Hacking Team Email List (their address book). Nothing positive for the Czech Republic, Switzerland and Singapore.
NYC Attorney Registrations combined with Fortune 500 companies
This notebook examines New York City Attorney Registrations, which is then combined with Fortune 500 companies to show information about where lawyers work, to which school they went etc.
Analysis of Singapore's Education based on 3 data sets
My first RPubs post! This is a small analysis of Singapore's education based on 3 data sets - Expenditure per Student, Student-teacher ratio and Class size. Data taken from