

Jameson Quinn

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Simplified VSE graph
VSE for 5 key voting methods
VSE for Mark
Without running Schulze I can't do scenario breakdowns, but here's the aggregated numbers
Aggregated VSE plot 1.01
Strategic function plot #1
VSE plot, disaggregated; 1.0
Aggregated VSE
VSE plot #6
"Smart one-sided" strategy is when the supporters of the runner-up use strategy if and only if it works. This is unrealistic, but it makes it possible to see how much of the VSE penalty for one-sided strategy is due to backfire.
Aggregated VSE, with "smart" strategy
"Smart one-sided" strategy is when the supporters of the runner-up use strategy if and only if it works. This is unrealistic, but it makes it possible to see how much of the VSE penalty for one-sided strategy is due to backfire.
Aggregated VSE
Aggregated VSE
VSE plot #5
With stronger Condorcet strategies.
VSE, not broken down by scenario
VSE plot #4
Including RP and Borda. Negative VSEs (for Borda) are divided by 10 to ensure they fit on the graph.
VSE plot #3
VSE plot, with sizes
VSE plot #2
VSE for hierarchical voter model and fuzzy media model (standard params).
VSE plot #1
This shows VSE, broken down by scenario, for several voting methods and 2 strategic models. It uses a hierarchical voter model with "standard" parameters, and a "fuzzy" media model at 1 standard deviation of fuzz.