

Lopamudra Satpathy

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Milestone Report: Courera Swiftkey
The objective of the Milestone Report is to analyse text data with natural language processing.Analysis of large corpus of text document , its structure is to be done. This report explains the exploratory analysis and goal for the eventual app and predictive algorithm. It shows the major features of the data and its summary statistics.
Nuclear Powerplant Construction
This is a presentation regarding nuclear power plant construction.
Air quality Measurements
Air quality measurements is based on the data were obtained from the New York State Department of Conservation (ozone data) and the National Weather Service (meteorological data).
Titanic Survival
In this presentation, we used Titanic dataset. Titanic sinking is a very famous disaster in the world history. Lots of causalities caused due to this accident.
Plotly samples
This is a demonstration of plots embedded by plotly package.
Motor Trend Study
This is a motor trend study by a US magazine on 1974.
Exploratory Data Analysis - Mammals Sleep
Mammals Sleep Data set is taken for the exploratory data analysis.
Statistical Inference- Tooth Growth
Tooth Growth Dataset is considered for this research. The experiments are done on Guinea pigs.The odontoblast cells are the focusing area.
Practical Machine Learning - Prediction of self movement using fittness device
This is an assignment of Practical machine learning module by courser. In this project, WLE dataset has been used to predict the self movements of participants using fitness devices like Nike fuel band, Jawbone up, Fit bit.
Reproducible Research-Study of StormData
This is an analysis of a storm data ,derived from NOAA storm database.This helps us to know the fatalities and injuries by weather events. The property damage and crop damage also can be identified.
Reproducible Research- Activity Monitoring Data
Nowadays It is possible to collect data about personal movements using activity monitoring devices.This assignment makes use of the data of from a personal activity monitoring device.This device collects data of 5 min interval through out the day.