

Manuel Santiago Valles

Recently Published

Final Project
Trying to predict who was in what political party, based on their voting record
Women’s Super League Club Locations for 2018-2019
The FA Women’s Super League, is the first division women’s soccer league in England. This is contains a map of each team and their respective stadium location for the 2018-2019 season.
Trees and Forrests
Trees, Boosting, Random Forrest
PCR, PLS, Lasso, Ridge, Linear, the good stuff
Cross Validation and Bootstrapping
Linear Discriminant Analysis, Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, K- Nearest Neighbors, and Logistical Regression
HW3 Linear Regression and Related Stuff
ISLR Chapter 03 (page 120): 2, 9, 10, 12
Bexar County Early Voting and Median Household Income Map
The purpose of this map is to illustrate Bexar County Fall 2018 early voting turnout by location and median household income accross the county using data from Bexar County and the US Census Bureau. For this project, voting results are from October 22 to November 2 2018 in Bexar County, and the Census information is from 2016.