

Rafael Resendiz

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Training's Homework
Several ways for reading or downloading files
Training's Homework test
Several ways for reading or downloading files
Publish Document test
Publish Document
Test for begginers data mining
Group Hydrology
Data Science Capstone: Simple Word Prediction
This app was developped by Rafael Resendiz Ramírez. The databases and algorithms were developped in accordance with the Coursera Capstone Project. The databases are too large, but,I made this app very light. The model is based in accordance with the Natural Processing Language and predictive language model. This shiny app was based on n-gram model with S-Back-off Smoothing and Kneser-Ney Smoothing. Project Background This project is a product of the last course on specialization in science data. In this application, a little different from that seen in the course topics are covered, but try to integrate most of the topics covered during our formative journey. I hope you can browse the various topics of this application to gain more in depth.
The goal of this document is just to display that I have gotten used to working with the data and that I am on track to create my prediction algorithm. It explains my exploratory analysis and my goals for the eventual app and algorithm. There are large data sets which has been more challenging than expected. The data is now cleaned. The work will be on prediction and will be based on n-gram and a backoff method.
teoria de juegos
Existen diversas posturas en torno a la teoría de juegos, algunas de las cuales señalan deficiencias o falta de perspectiva, tales posturas aluden a la indeterminación de la misma, la multitud de equilibrios, la dependencia del equilibrio con respecto a las conjeturas, etc. Aún cuando se podrían citar como antecedentes de la teoría de juego, la carta de Waldegrave de 17134 para demostrar matemáticamente la solución mínima de estrategia para dos jugadores, así como la publicación de Cournot, sobre el duopolio, no se consideran tales momentos como el inicio de dicha teoría. Merced a los artículos publicados por John von Neumman y a la publicación conjunta con Oskar Morgenstern “Theory of Games and Economic Behavior”, se puede concluir que ellos son los padres o fundadores de la “teoría de juegos”. En esta teoría se intenta estudiar que sucede con las acciones humanas cuando existe interdependencia entre diversos sujetos cuando cada uno de ellos desea asegurarse los mejores resultados posibles. Por este motivo se puede considerar cualquier acción como juego, entendiendo como tal el conjunto de jugadores (individuos), movimientos (estrategias y acciones) disponibles para los jugadores y las recompensas asociadas a cada movimiento.
Avances de tesis 5
Quinto avance de tesis
Data meets presentation
Course Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch: Web page created using Slidify or Rstudio Presenter with an html5 slide deck. This presentation is part of the assignaments of Developing Data Products, second part.
Data meets presentation
Course Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch: Web page created using Slidify or Rstudio Presenter with an html5 slide deck. This presentation is part of the assignaments of Developing Data Products, second part.
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Data meets presentation
Course Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch: Web page created using Slidify or Rstudio Presenter with an html5 slide deck. This presentation is part of the assignaments of Developing Data Products, second part.
This is the project for the statistical inference class. In it, you will use simulation to explore inference and do some simple inferential data analysis. The project consists of two parts: A simulation exercise. Basic inferential data analysis.If the dose of Vitamin C is 2.0 mg, is a strong statistical evidence that the ssupplements type is not important, the probability is 0.96 and we accept the null hypothesis. However if the dose is 0.5 or 1 mg, is strong statistical evidence that the type suplement is important. The difference in doses 0.5 and the probability 0.005, and dose 1 mg and probability in 0.001. Thus we reject the null hypothesis , the type supplements does?n affect the tooth length in 0.5 or 1. mg
This is the project for the statistical inference class. In it, you will use simulation to explore inference and do some simple inferential data analysis. The project consists of two parts: A simulation exercise. B. Basic inferential data analysis. This is the firs file.
Adverse events for population health and its economic consequences
This report is about of the damage caused by weather events in the U.S. The fundations are based on the data provided by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database. The NOAA database tracks characteristics of major storms and weather events in the United States, including date, time and place where they occur, that allow estimates fatalities, injuries, and property damage. This writing analyses what events caused the fatals damage about popuulation health and its economic consequences. The damages to publics health and economic consequences caused by this events are exponentially distributed. The most damages in injuries and fatalities were caused by tornados, the principal property damages were caused by floods, and most crop damages were caused by droughts and floods.
prueba de prueba