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PUBMED Extract
Extracting PUBMED data for a specified MeSH term
fitbit data
Example of extracting and visualizing fitbit data using the fitbitScraper package
Data Aggregation and K-means Example
Reproducible example of aggregating data and K-means clustering in R.
Data Science Specialization Capstone Project
Overview of the Text Prediction app
Capstone Project Milestone Report
Milestone Report for Coursera Data Science Capstone.
Automatic vs. Manual Transmission: Which gets better gas mileage?
project for Regression Models, Data Science Specialization, Coursera.
ACO Quality Data - Select RI & MA Organizations
Comparing five quality measures for ten selected ACOs
Working with rHealthDataGov package
A quick look on working with the rHealthDataGov package and plotting the HAI-1 scores for hospitals in RI
NFL Underdogs getting 10.5+ Points 1990 - 2013
A look at ATS record of 10.5+ point underdogs, and units won on -110 juice.
Reproducible Pythagenpat Wins from
Creating a reproducible example of the Pythagenpat analysis from Football Perpective
Visualization of 2013 NFL Teams ATS
A simple plot showing NFL team results against the spread for 2013.
Reproducible Standard Scores from using R Markdown
a reproducible example of the standard score analysis in a recent Bill Barnwell article for
Denver 2013 Offense, Standard Deviations, R Markdown
first RPubs attempt, looking at Denver 2013 offense