

Arturo Cardenas

Recently Published

Oxxo vs Seven en HILLO
Farmacias en Mty
Comparación de las locaciones de las principales farmacias en el área metropolitana de monterrey
Oxxo vs Seven en MTY
Comparación de puntos de venta de OXXO y de Seven Eleven en el area metropolitana de Monterrey
All Soccer Leagues from America 2016
Salary comparison between the most expensive soccer teams from America
Liga MX 2016
Salary comparison between teams from the Mexican Soccer League
Coursera's Data Science Specialization Capstone Milestone Report
The capstone project allows students to create a usable/public data product that can be used to show the skills developed throughout the nine courses of the data science specialization.
Developing Data Products Course Project
Course Project presentation for the Developing Data Products Coursera course
Peer Assessment 2
Reproducible Research Peer Assessment 2