

Chris Keeney

Recently Published

Glassdoor Scraper
This is part 1 of a 3 part project. * Glassdoor Scraper * Add additional data and tidy up * Exploratory Data Analysis
Rise of the 3-Pt Shot
Exploratory analysis of NBA 3-Pt shot history
Allstate Severity Regression Analysis
The goal of this project is to create a single regression model using the catboost algorithm to predict losses using Allstate's Severity data from a previous Kaggle competition of theirs. The model is scored based on minimization of RMSE.
Regression Analysis on MPG vs other vehicle variables
This project does a regression analysis to determine statistically significant variables that effect MPG
Classification Prediction of Dumbbell Lifts
Using accelerometer data, this project predicts dumbbell lifts using classification trees. A decision tree model and random forest model is trained and the one with the best predictive quality is chosen.
PM2.5 Emission Data from 1999-2008
This project does exploratory analysis of pollution data
Severe Weather and Their Impact in the U.S.
This project explores storm data to determine trends in injuries and economic cost.