

Claudia Morales

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Capstone Presentation
Capstone Presentation
Capstone Presentation
Capstone Milestone Report
App Presentation
Developing Data Products Project 2
1974 Per Capita Income in the US using Plotly and the dataframe from R called "State"
Colombian Restaurants Map
Map of the top 5 Colombian Restaurants in Boston
Colombian Restaurants in Boston
This is a map of the top 5 Colombian restaurants in Boston as rated by Yelp as of October 6, 2016.
Exploring the NOAA storm database
This project involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database. This database tracks characteristics of major storms and weather events in the United States, including when and where they occur, as well as estimates of any fatalities, injuries, and property damage. A series of tables, figures and a brief summary is included in order to determine which types of events are most harmful with respect to population health and which types of events have the greatest economic consequences across the US.