

Agustín Diez-Castillo

Recently Published

Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire in Portugal
Proof of concept
Diagrama de sectors
Diagrama de sectors
Datos Espaciales
Dibujar mapas en R
Kriging with and without models
Kriging with models or without
Introduction to spatial analysis
Introduction to spatial analysis
Introducció R
Primers pas a R
Preparing a cool dem
3D Stats Fortea's Layer H
3D Stats Fortea's Layer H
3D STATS by sublayer 99 simulations
3D STATS by sublayer 99 simulations
All stats 3D Fortea's Layer H
All stats 3D Fortea's Layer H
All stats 3D Fortea's Layer H
3D Kernel Density at Cocina Fortea's Layer H (all)
3D Kernel Density at Cocina Fortea's Layer H, without sublayers
3D Kernel Density at Cocina Fortea's Layer H
3D Kernel Density Estimation by sublayer
Allstats of spatstat
Example of allstats