

Björn Oettinghaus

Recently Published

Prediction Intervalls
WOE, IV and Scorevalues in Credit Risk Modelling
Weight of evidence (WOE), Information Value (IV) and Scorecards in Credit Risk Modelling
POC 02 regression modelling with caret models - nnet
POC for regression modelling with caret models. neuronal networks
POC 03 regression modelling with caret models - MARS
POC for regression modelling with caret models. multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS)
POC 01 regression with caret -rlm
POC for regression modelling with caret models. introduction to benchmark datasets and robust linear regression modelling.
POC for using caret in a modellig dataframe
POC for the package recipes
POC for the use of the rsample package
Pipelearner for classification
POC for using pipelearner for classification problems
clickable flie links in DT::datatable
POC for clickable links inside DT::datatables
mix taglists and plots
POC for rendering a list of taglists and plots in a generic way inside a Rmd file
POC for using ggalluvial
POC for using ggpubr
Group Analysis
vignette for my personal R package oetteR
Gamma Regression using Lasso
Vignette for my personal R package oette R
Leakage and variable importance for modelling
vignette for my personal R package oetteR
Visualising Regression Models
vignette for my personal R package oetteR
Alluvial Plots
Vignette for my personal R package oetteR
Data preparation and PCA
Vignette for my personal R package oetteR.
SOM Clustering Howto Study
How to train a self organizing map (SOM) using the kohonen package and applying connectivity constrains for downstream grid clustering