

Kalyn Dorheim

Recently Published

Hector Net vs Gross CO2 emissions
What happens when Hector is driven with net or gross emissions? For the FFI emissions and uptake it turns out that going with net vs gross makes no difference. For luc emissions and uptake running with net or gross emissions does matter a bit, this change is most noticeable in the veg c pool but there is also a 2% change or so in global temp
Updated Hector v3 Results
Hector v3 vs Global Carbon Budget
A comparison of Hector's output with the Global Carbon Budget, with the idea being that differences in LUC emissions could be responsible for the historically low CO2 observations.
pr tas psl quality checks
Adding a new forcer to Hector
halocarbon issues
kinetics vignette
ocean carbon
Comparing Hector RCMIP VS AR6
land ocean warming ratio
tos data for Hector
DOECLIM integrationn
Negative N2O
stitches enriching ensemble
Enrich Sample Size Exp
Hector AR6 RF
Natural N2O Emissions
CH4 & N2O RF
Looking into the differences between the CH4 & N2O RF between Hector & IPCC AR6 values.
Hector RF Update
comparing archive
comparing the new archive vs the old one
May 3 figures
5 v 9
Compare what happens when stitching is done with chunked into 5 or 9 periods
setting up for nearest neighboor analysis
before starting the nearest neighbor analysis I wanted to check to see if when we over-lay target and archive data what our coverage looks like.
Indiana of University R Hector Workshop
Annotated materials for the R Hector workshop given at Indiana University
Experimenting with different met inputs
What happens when different met inputs are used to drive the model?
FoRTE ED disturbance treatments
Look at how the length of the disturbance or which pool is disturbed affects ED output.
FoRTE Experiment 1
Results from the first pass at the forte disturbance experiment.
SEM example
SEM Inputs Document
No pines UMBS SLA and Vcmax
FoRTE disturbance project testing What happens when we remove pines and adjust the UMBS SLA and Vcmax
SLA and Vcmax
Taking a look at SLA and Vcmax, how different are the Ed values compared to the UMBS values?
FoRTE ED disturbance baseline
Before getting too deep into the FoRTE ED experiments, I wanted to check to go over the following 1) finalize met inputs 2) come up with a set of consistent outputs/plots to make
Hector RCMIP II submission
Hector GMST vs GMAT investigation
Plotting the difference between the air temperature and surface temperature calculated in Hector.
demo of the MCMC for the MENDplus package
2019087 HIRM Aerosol Uncertainty Case Study for paper 1 - # 2
Second pass at the uncertainty case study for paper 1, it looks like there are some issues with the way that we constrain the RF values.
2019087 HIRM Aerosol Uncertainty Case Study for paper 1
First pass at the uncertainty case study for paper 1, it looks like there are some issues with the way that we constrain the RF values.
What is going on with NPP?
Could NPP be used to constrain beta and Q10 to prevent them from trading off with one another?
Symmetry beta and q10
BC IRF Document
kmeans s vs diff investigation
what is up with the relationship between s and diff? are there any patterns?
sigma investigation
does changing sigma impact the best fit values
Final Concentration Driven Results
Overview of the concentration driven best fits.
Beta and Q10??
Does the carbon cycle matter? Do we think that Hector results noticeably change with and without the carbon cycle? What happens when we fix q10 and let optim solve for beta?
Best Fit Conc May 31
Best Fit - Temp and Heat Flux
What happens when we use temperature and heat flux to determine the best fit for Hector to emulate an ESM?
CMIP6 Task 2
CMIP6 data to download and instructions.
CMIP5 Heat Flux Data
We finally have CMIP5 heat flux data!! whoot whoot!
Does using heat flux data solve our problems with S and diff?
Does using heat flux data solve our problems with S and diff? I think so!
Looking at ESM Heat FLux
The purpose of this document is to answer two questions. 1. Do we believe that we are calculating the heat flux from the atmospheric component correctly? 2. Will the noise of the ESM heat flux data be an issue? (Is is larger than the noise from the Hector ensemble)
Best fit looking at S and diff
Let's look at the relationship between diff and S when diff is held constant.
Single ESM Calibration 3
What happens to the single ESM calibration results when I use a better initial parameter guess?
Single ESM Calibration 2
This is my second look at the results from the single ESM calibration. I focused on the following questions. 1. Did it work? (optim convergence = 0) 2. Did adding the volscl parameter do what we thought it would?
Exploratory analysis of the single ESM concentration calibration
I calibrated Hector climate parameters to best emulate the ESM temperature results from the CMIP5 concentration driven experiments. I used CMIP5 model ensemble means as the comparison data. This is just a first pass at looking at the results.