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Text Prediction Shiny App Presentation
Presentation to accompany Capstone Project in Coursera's Data Science Specialization
Data Science Specialization SwiftKey Capstone Exploratory Analysis
Exploratory analysis/milestone report for Coursera's Data Science Specialization Capstone project
Exercise Manner Prediction Model Presentation
10 slide presentation of a Coursera predictive modeling analysis
Baseball Win/Loss App Pitch
Fictional pitch for an imaginary app that predicts baseball wins for Coursera's Developing Data Products class.
Sample Plotly Presentation
Learning plotly with an inverted volcano
Developing Data Products Project 1: Leaflet Map
Map of (0 degrees, 0 degrees)
Exercise Manner Prediction Model
Coursera's Practical Machine Learning Final Project
U.S. Storm Impact Analysis
A study of the effects of weather events on human health and the economy