

Jon Duan

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Use Rstudio to Clean Data, Make Plot, and Write Report
Use Rstudio to Clean Data, Make Plot, and Write Report
Use Rstudio to Clean Data, Make Plot, and Write Report
Use Rstudio to Clean Data, Make Plot, and Write Report
Economics and Student Affairs Project Data Analysis 2: Regression Analysis
Economics and Student Affairs Project Data Analysis 2: Regression Analysis
Rstudio Presentation
Literate Programming Sample
Literate Programming Sample
Economics and Student Affairs Project Data Analysis 2: Regression Analysis
Economics and Student Affairs Project Data Analysis 2: Regression Analysis
Economics and Student Affairs Project Data Analysis 3: Correlation Analysis
Economics and Student Affairs Project Data Analysis 3 : Correlation Analysis
Economics and Student Affairs Project Data Analysis: Exploratory Analysis
Economics and Student Affairs Project Data Analysis: Exploratory Analysis
Economics and Student Affairs Project
Economics and Student Affairs Project
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Economics and Student Affairs Project
Economics and Student Affairs Project
FAO forest trade flow
FAO forest trade flow
Three Phases Comparison
3.1 Data
Brownian Motion
Sheri data process
Sheri data process
A Model is Essential for Policy Analysis
title : A Simple Farm Model for Saskatchewan subtitle : Based on PMP and Simulation author : Jon Duan
SK Model
A Simple Farm Model for Saskatchewan Based on PMP and Simulation
A Simple Farm Model for Saskatchewan
A Simple Farm Model for Saskatchewan
SK Farm Model
SK Farm Model
Find Out What Is Your Car's Miles/Gallon
Course Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch for Developing Data Products
Ornstein Uhlenbeck/Vasicek Model of Crop Prices in Alberta
We use the historic data to estimate the parameters for Ornstein Uhlenbeck process of crop prices in Alberta. And then we use the estimated parameters for Monte Carlo simulation. Conclusion This documents show we can use ouFit.ML function to estimate the parameter θ, μ, and σ. And them use the “yuima” package to generate the simulative price vector/matrices.
Ornstein Uhlenbeck/Vasicek Model of Crop Prices in Alberta (revised)
Ornstein Uhlenbeck/Vasicek Model of Crop Prices in Alberta
Ornstein Uhlenbeck/Vasicek Model of Crop Prices in Alberta
Ornstein Uhlenbeck/Vasicek Model of Crop Prices in Alberta