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R Ladies Presentation November 10, 2021
Batch processing Word document reports using R and RMD files
Caribou Range TT 2020 26
TidyTuesday data on Caribou seasonal migration
mapPall test
testing mapping colors from my brother's bird photos
Pizza Party!
TidyTuesday week 40, 2019. Uses the New York Open Statistical Programming meetup pizza data as well as Barstool Sports pizza rating to compare how the two populations rate NYC pizza
Tidy Tuesday 2019 Week 17
Some Markov text based on the titles of Anime from the MAL database
Board Games #TidyTuesday 2019_11
Random Forest Model using numeric and text data to categorize board games.
Plot gini
random forest plots for game data
Coursera Data Science Capstone Milestone Report
First submission for Coursera Data Science Capstone project. Exploratory data analysis of the three text data sets.
Choropleth Errors
When adding additional features such as animate, rMap loses the choropleth colors.
test choropleth
Mass Shootings in the US: Data Explorer
Coursera Data Products assignment
Coursera Practical Machine Learning
Using the training and test datasets provided by [], we will attempt to construct the best fit model that will predict whether or not an specific exercise was performed correctly (classe==A) or in one of four incorrect manners (classe==B:E).
Orange Juice vs Ascorbic Acid at Three Dose Levels (0.5 mg, 1.0 mg, 2.0 mg) Effects on Tooth Growth in Guinea Pigs
A comparison of tooth growth rates with vitamin C supplementation via Orange Juice (OJ) and isolated nutrient ascorbic acid (VC) at three different dose levels. Population did not include a control.
Storm Impact by Event Type, 1994 - 2011
Using NWS collected data, an overview of the most costly and most injurious storm events in the United States
Demonstration of Central Limit Theorem with Simulations
Assignment for Coursera Statistical Inference course.
Reproducible Research Assignment 1
Testing out RPubs with the RMD from the first assignment before moving on to the second assignment
Publish Document
exploratory analysis of activity data