

Tyler McDaniel

Recently Published

ACC Week 7
ACC Week 6
ACC Week 5
ACC Week 4
ACC Week 3
ACC Week 2
ACC Week 1
Local Inequalities over time
Winter 2019 - Current
PUMA level inequality analysis
Investigating changes in inequality (2005-2018) at the local level (particularly the PUMA).
Exploratory analyses of county-level inequality and relative deprivation.
Network Example: search words "SNHG15","gene" using PubMed API.
Econ 293 Final: Investigating Heterogeneity in a Twitter Experiment
A final project for Econ 293: Machine Learning and Causal Inference. We examine Bail et al. (2018) with machine learning methods to look for treatment heterogeneity.
An overview of the uses and issues with P values in the social sciences.
P Values Part 2: Practices and Alternatives