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Text Prediction using NLP in R_9_13
This assignment is part of Data Science Specialization Capstone project offered by John Hopkins University via Courseera. The goal of this app is to predict the next word based on the input given by the user.
Text Prediction using NLP in R
This assignment is part of Data Science Specialization Capstone project offered by John Hopkins University via Courseera. The goal of this app is to predict the next word based on the input given by the user.
Text Tokenization: SwiftKey Capstone Project-2
Text Tokenization using R
Developing Data Products in Shiny
This assignment is part of Developing Data Products course in Course era. The Assignment is to create a shiny application. The following key features of Shiny application are explored in this exercise. 1. SelectInput box 2. Adding an image to your application 3. Using HTML tags like Table 4. Using Plotly graphs and Plotly specific shiny render functions 5. TabPanels
Quiz-3: Charts using Plotly
This assignment is part of Developing Data Products course in Course era. The Assignment is to create a plot with plotly.
Developing Data Products: Quiz 3: Using Plotly
This is part of Developing Data Products course in Course Era: Quiz 3: Using Plotly
Developing Data Products: Quiz 2: Leaflet
Developing Data Products: Quiz 2: Leaflet