


Recently Published

Leaflet of Interesting Places in Ottawa
Step 1 : Define the icon Step 2. Parse data frame of long and lat Step3 Define the Popups Step 4 Put it together by piping the data to the leaflet object on a tile Note: It will run offline but without a geo plane Challange : Save Street map Geoplane and render the plane cap_Icon<-makeIcon( iconUrl = "C:/RProgram/RWork/leafy.png", iconWidth = 20*1, iconHeight = 20, iconAnchorX =0+1, iconAnchorY = 0+1 ) ##Capsite capSites <-c( " <a href =''><b> Statistics Canada,</b></a> <br>Jean Talon Building 170 Tunney's Pastrure Driveway Ottawa", #.. All thirteen of them in this format) cap_Region<- read_csv("C:/RProgram/RWork/InterestCapRegion.csv") # import csv file with data head(cap_Region) # veiw the data # Leaflet Executes cap_Region %>% leaflet()%>% addTiles()%>%## # Street map addMarkers( icon = cap_Icon,popup = capSites)
Plot Choropleth Population Density
#Problem - units - no idea where it got it from ;-( ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap)# function qtm library(tmaptools) getwd() setwd("C:/RProgram/RWork") #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") # myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ################################# #Plotting individual Provincies #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #Then apppend data provMap <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") # not working provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") # ############ CHOROPLETH PLOT B ############################ #qtm(Europe, fill="well_being", text="iso_a3", text.size="AREA", format="Europe", style="gray", # text.root=5, fill.title="Well-Being Index", fill.textNA="Non-European countries") qtm(provMap, fill="Desity", text="PREABBR", text.root=5, fill.title="People per SqKm")+ tm_legend(legend.position = c("right", "top"), main.title = "Population Density", main.title.position = "right")
Plot Choropleth of Proportion of Proportion of Population
#No units ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap)# function qtm library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# #Plotting individual Provincies qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #Then apppend data provMap <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") # not working provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") # qtm(provMap, "PRUID",text ="Prop", text.size= "AREA", style="gray", text.root=5, fill.title="Population 2014", fill.textNA="Nothing") #works give strange uniits # qtm(Europe, fill="well_being", text="iso_a3", text.size="AREA", format="Europe", style="gray", # text.root=5, fill.title="Well-Being Index", fill.textNA="Non-European countries") # make a categorical map # qtm(Europe, fill="economy", title=paste("Style:", tmap_style())) qtm(provMap, fill= "Name" ,title=paste("Style:", tmap_style()), fill.title="Population 2014" ,text ="Prop", text.size= "AREA") ## current tmap style is "white" #change Position of Legend qtm(provMap, fill = "economy", format = "World", style = "col_blind") + tm_legend(legend.position = c("left", "bottom"), main.title = "My title", main.title.position = "right") ##### THIS IS THE CODE THAT CREATED PLOT######## qtm(provMap, fill = "Prop", style = "col_blind",text ="PREABBR", text.root=2, text.col = "black", fill.title="%age Pop. 2014") + tm_legend(legend.position = c("right", "top"), main.title = "Percentage of Population", main.title.position = "right")
Plot of Choropleth by Population Density
Lighter is more
Plot Choropleth Population Proportion B
Code is in last portion
Plot Choropleth Population Proportion
#Problem - units - no idea where it got it from ;-( ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap)# function qtm library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# #Plotting individual Provincies qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #Then apppend data provMap <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") # not working provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") # qtm(provMap, "Population",text ="Prop", text.size= "AREA", style="gray", text.root=5, fill.title="Population 2014", fill.textNA="Nothing") #works give strange uniits # qtm(Europe, fill="well_being", text="iso_a3", text.size="AREA", format="Europe", style="gray", # text.root=5, fill.title="Well-Being Index", fill.textNA="Non-European countries") # make a categorical map # qtm(Europe, fill="economy", title=paste("Style:", tmap_style())) qtm(provMap, fill= "Name" ,title=paste("Style:", tmap_style()), fill.title="Population 2014" ,text ="Prop", text.size= "AREA") ## current tmap style is "white" #change Position of Legend qtm(provMap, fill = "economy", format = "World", style = "col_blind") + tm_legend(legend.position = c("left", "bottom"), main.title = "My title", main.title.position = "right") ##### THIS IS THE CODE THAT CREATED PLOT######## qtm(provMap, fill = "Prop", style = "col_blind",text ="PREABBR", text.root=2, text.col = "black", fill.title="%age Pop. 2014") + tm_legend(legend.position = c("right", "top"), main.title = "Percentage of Population", main.title.position = "right") ############ CHOROPLETH############################ #qtm(Europe, fill="well_being", text="iso_a3", text.size="AREA", format="Europe", style="gray", # text.root=5, fill.title="Well-Being Index", fill.textNA="Non-European countries") qtm(provMap, fill="Prop", text="PREABBR", text.size="AREA", text.root=5, fill.title="Population Proportion", fill.textNA="No value")+ tm_legend(legend.position = c("right", "top"), main.title = "Percentage of Population", main.title.position = "right")
Plot different view
#The plot ############ CHOROPLETH############################ #qtm(Europe, fill="well_being", text="iso_a3", text.size="AREA", format="Europe", style="gray", # text.root=5, fill.title="Well-Being Index", fill.textNA="Non-European countries") qtm(provMap, fill="Prop", text="PREABBR", text.size="AREA", text.root=5, fill.title="Population Proportion", fill.textNA="No value")+ tm_legend(legend.position = c("right", "top"), main.title = "Percentage of Population", main.title.position = "right")
Plot Legend based on %age
Same code ############ CHOROPLETH############################ #qtm(Europe, fill="well_being", text="iso_a3", text.size="AREA", format="Europe", style="gray", # text.root=5, fill.title="Well-Being Index", fill.textNA="Non-European countries") qtm(provMap, fill="Prop", text="PREABBR", text.size="AREA", text.root=5, fill.title="Population Proportion", fill.textNA="No value")+ tm_legend(legend.position = c("right", "top"), main.title = "Percentage of Population", main.title.position = "right")
Plot of Percentage Change in Population
#This is not a choropleth #Problem - units - no idea where it got it from ;-( ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap)# function qtm library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# #Plotting individual Provincies qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #Then apppend data provMap <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") # not working provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") # qtm(provMap, "Population",text ="Prop", text.size= "AREA", style="gray", text.root=5, fill.title="Population 2014", fill.textNA="Nothing") #works give strange uniits # qtm(Europe, fill="well_being", text="iso_a3", text.size="AREA", format="Europe", style="gray", # text.root=5, fill.title="Well-Being Index", fill.textNA="Non-European countries") # make a categorical map # qtm(Europe, fill="economy", title=paste("Style:", tmap_style())) qtm(provMap, fill= "Name" ,title=paste("Style:", tmap_style()), fill.title="Population 2014" ,text ="Prop", text.size= "AREA") ## current tmap style is "white" #change Position of Legend qtm(provMap, fill = "economy", format = "World", style = "col_blind") + tm_legend(legend.position = c("left", "bottom"), main.title = "My title", main.title.position = "right") ##### THIS IS THE CODE THAT CREATED PLOT######## qtm(provMap, fill = "Prop", style = "col_blind",text ="PREABBR", text.root=2, text.col = "black", fill.title="%age Pop. 2014") + tm_legend(legend.position = c("right", "top"), main.title = "Percentage of Population", main.title.position = "right")
Plot Prov Legend Percent text
qtm(provMap, fill = "PREABBR", style = "col_blind",text ="Prop", text.root=2, text.col = "black", fill.title="%age Pop. 2014") + tm_legend(legend.position = c("right", "top"), main.title = "My title", main.title.position = "right", "top")
Plot Using Prov Abbrevation
Plot Legend Wide
Plot Legend Plot not showing
Plot Percentage Population
Percentage Population and Province Name
Plot with Right Legend
Some provinces have no data
Plot Legend moved
Legend moved showing percentage of population
Plot of Custom Legend
Legend title Choropleth
Plot in a Different Multi Hue
# #Code also shows how to save as jpg ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #nhmap <- append_data(nhgeo, nhdata, key.shp = "NAME","County") provMapB <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") qtm(provMapB, "Population") #quick map strange units qtm(provMap, "Prop") #quick map strange units #############MORE CONTROL #################### # tm_shape(provMap) + tm_fill("Prop", title = "Provincial Population", palette ="BuPu") + tm_borders(alpha=.5) + tm_text("Population", size = 0.5)#+ # tm_style_classic() #put plot in variable provMapVari <- tm_shape(provMap) + tm_fill("Growth", title = "Provincial Population", palette = "BuGn") + tm_borders(alpha=.5) + tm_text("Population", size = 0.5)#+ #tm_style_classic() provMapVari #call the plotting variable save_tmap(provMapVari, filename="provMapVari.jpg") # then save the plot
Plot with Multi hue Scheme
Note Commented Plot ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #nhmap <- append_data(nhgeo, nhdata, key.shp = "NAME","County") provMapB <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") qtm(provMapB, "Population") #quick map strange units qtm(provMap, "Prop") #quick map strange units #############MORE CONTROL #################### # tm_shape(provMap) + tm_fill("Prop", title = "Provincial Population", palette ="BuPu") + tm_borders(alpha=.5) + tm_text("Population", size = 0.5)#+ # tm_style_classic()
Plot To view my Shinny apps
Links 1.
Plot Population and Percentage as variables
#Provincial Population is text and Percentage is Color ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #nhmap <- append_data(nhgeo, nhdata, key.shp = "NAME","County") provMapB <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") qtm(provMapB, "Population") #quick map strange units qtm(provMap, "Prop") #quick map strange units #############MORE CONTROL #################### tm_shape(provMap) + tm_fill("Prop", title = "Provincial Population", palette = "PRGn") + tm_borders(alpha=.5) + tm_text("Population", size = 0.5)+ tm_style_classic()
Plot Showing Provincial Population and by Percent
################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #nhmap <- append_data(nhgeo, nhdata, key.shp = "NAME","County") provMapB <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") qtm(provMapB, "Population") #quick map strange units qtm(provMap, "Prop") #quick map strange units #############MORE CONTROL #################### tm_shape(provMap) + tm_fill("Prop", title = "Provincial Population", palette = "RdYlGn") + tm_borders(alpha=.5) + tm_text("Population", size = 0.5)+ tm_style_classic()
Provicial Percentage of Canada Population
#How do i move the legend??? ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #nhmap <- append_data(nhgeo, nhdata, key.shp = "NAME","County") provMapB <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") qtm(provMapB, "Population") #quick map strange units qtm(provMap, "Prop") #quick map strange units
Plot of Percentage Change
No Idea why it is truncated ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #nhmap <- append_data(nhgeo, nhdata, key.shp = "NAME","County") provMap <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") qtm(provMap, "Population") #quick map strange units qtm(provMap, "Prop") #quick map strange units
Plot Percentage of Popultaiton
No idea where units are coming from Need more packages ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #nhmap <- append_data(nhgeo, nhdata, key.shp = "NAME","County") provMap <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") qtm(provMap, "Population") #quick map strange units qtm(provMap, "Prop") #quick map strange units
Plot Canada by Population
Problem - units - no idea where it got it from ;-( ################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap) library(tmaptools) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# #Plotting individual Provincies qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT ############################ qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProvgeo <- myProvgeo[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProvgeo) #Draw NewFoundland ########################################### #Make the datatype identical myProvgeo$PRUID <- as.character(myProvgeo$PRUID) mydataC.df$PRUID <- as.character(mydataC.df$PRUID) myProv$PRUID <- as.character(myProv$PRUID) #Order the rows BUt already ordered myProvgeo<- myProvgeo[order(myProvgeo$PRUID),] mydataC.df <- mydataC.df[order(mydataC.df$PRUID),] #Then Compare identical(myProvgeo$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) identical(myProv$PRUID,mydataC.df$PRUID) #Then apppend data provMap <-append_data(myProvgeo, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") # not working provMap <-append_data(myProv, mydataC.df, key.shp ="PRUID", "PRUID") qtm(provMap, "Population") #works give strange uniits
Plot Individual Provinces
################ ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) library(tmap) getwd() #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. idList <- myProv@data$PRUID centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red') ################################# qtm(myProv) #produces map qtm(myProvgeo) # produces a map #qtm(myProv.fort) # Cannot be plotted by qtm selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==10,]# select NewFoundland qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NewFoundland selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==11,]# Prince Edward qtm(selmyProv) #Draw PEI selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==12,]# Nova Scotia qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NSc selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==13,]# New Brunswick qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==24,]# Qubec qtm(selmyProv) #Draw QC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==35,]# Ontario qtm(selmyProv) #Draw On selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==46,]# Manitoba qtm(selmyProv) #Draw MB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==47,]# Saska qtm(selmyProv) #Draw SW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==48,]# AB qtm(selmyProv) #Draw AB selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==59,]# BC qtm(selmyProv) #Draw BC selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==60,]# YK qtm(selmyProv) #Draw YK selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==61,]# NW qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NW selmyProv <- myProv[myProv$PRUID ==62,]# NT qtm(selmyProv) #Draw NT
Plot using qtm function of tmap package
# This also produces a shape file myProvgeo <- read_shape(file= "Prov/provFile.shp", as.sf = TRUE) qtm(myProvgeo) #this makes a shape file that produces a map
Plot of New Hamshire
USing Subset of World map
Plot with Tmap Pakcage
Plot stil no additional data
## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) getwd() ##Steps #1. Read shapefie -- sahpe file-- xD #2. Fortify Shape file name using .fort - table - 2d #3. Get ID list from data portion -- file 1D #4. Get Centroids and name it -- 2D #5. Get Data from @Data$Col of Interest ---file 1D #6. Combine and rename id, center and data (pop) -- 2D #7. Plot the stupid map already ## #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") #Step2 # Change "data" to your path in the above! myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. # Fortifying a map makes the data frame ggplot uses to draw the map outlines. # "region" or "id" identifies those polygons, and links them to your data. # Look at head(worldMap@data) to see other choices for id. # Your data frame needs a column with matching ids to set as the map_id aesthetic in ggplot. #Step 1B - Data file #Source # Format to clean and save as csv; Note use text to column under data to split column ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data # Step 3 Create ID column idList <- myProv@data$PRUID #Step 4 - Get Centroids; name columns # "coordinates" extracts centroids of the polygons, in the order listed at worldMap@data centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names #Step 5 - Assemble Data # This shapefile contained population data, let's plot it. mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(data= NULL, aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =4, colour ='red')
Plot Works Blue Outline
#Size = size of font ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) library(readr) getwd() ##Steps #1. Read shapefie -- sahpe file-- xD #2. Fortify Shape file name using .fort - table - 2d #3. Get ID list from data portion -- file 1D #4. Get Centroids and name it -- 2D #5. Get Data from @Data$Col of Interest ---file 1D #6. Combine and rename id, center and data (pop) -- 2D #7. Plot the stupid map already ## #Step 1 myProv <- readOGR(dsn="Prov", layer="provFile") #Step2 # Change "data" to your path in the above! myProv.fort <- fortify(myProv, region = "PRUID") # Long time; #creastes more observ. # Fortifying a map makes the data frame ggplot uses to draw the map outlines. # "region" or "id" identifies those polygons, and links them to your data. # Look at head(worldMap@data) to see other choices for id. # Your data frame needs a column with matching ids to set as the map_id aesthetic in ggplot. #Step 1B - Data file #Source # Format to clean and save as csv; Note use text to column under data to split column #ProvCenData <- read_csv("ProvCenData.csv") ProvCenData <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenData.csv")# unordered ProvCenDataB <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataB.csv") # u must order the data ProvCenDataC <- read_csv("Prov/ProvCenDataC.csv") # u must order the data # Step 3 Create ID column idList <- myProv@data$PRUID #Step 4 - Get Centroids; name columns # "coordinates" extracts centroids of the polygons, in the order listed at worldMap@data centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names #Step 5 - Assemble Data # This shapefile contained population data, let's plot it. #popList <- worldMap@data$POP2005 #pop.df <- data.frame(id = idList, population = popList, centroids.df) mydata.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenData, centroids.df) mydataC.df <-data.frame(id=idList, ProvCenDataC, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(myProv.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(aes(group = group), colour = 'blue', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = mydataC.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = Population), size =2)
Plot with Gray Outline
Plot Using Canada Data
The code works The rest is to figure aesthetics
Plot colored
Table still showing
Plot of Brazil Population No color
# Trying this ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) ##Steps #1. Read shapefie -- sahpe file-- xD #2. Fortify Shape file name using .fort - table - 2d #3. Get ID list from data portion -- file 1D #4. Get Centroids and name it -- 2D #5. Get Data from @Data$Col of Interest ---file 1D #6. Combine and rename id, center and data (pop) -- 2D #7. Plot the stupid map already ## # Data from # Direct link: # Unpack and put the files in a dir 'data' worldMap <- readOGR(dsn="data", layer="TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3") # Change "data" to your path in the above! worldMap.fort <- fortify(, region = "ISO3") # Fortifying a map makes the data frame ggplot uses to draw the map outlines. # "region" or "id" identifies those polygons, and links them to your data. # Look at head(worldMap@data) to see other choices for id. # Your data frame needs a column with matching ids to set as the map_id aesthetic in ggplot. idList <- worldMap@data$ISO3 # "coordinates" extracts centroids of the polygons, in the order listed at worldMap@data centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names # This shapefile contained population data, let's plot it. popList <- worldMap@data$POP2005 pop.df <- data.frame(id = idList, population = popList, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(worldMap.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(aes(group = group), colour = 'black', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = pop.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = population), size =2)+ coord_equal(xlim = c(-90,-30), ylim = c(-60, 10))
Plot No idea
What is here
Plot with Population Data
# Trying this ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) ##Steps #1. Read shapefie -- sahpe file-- xD #2. Fortify Shape file name using .fort - table - 2d #3. Get ID list from data portion -- file 1D #4. Get Centroids and name it -- 2D #5. Get Data from @Data$Col of Interest ---file 1D #6. Combine and rename id, center and data (pop) -- 2D #7. Plot the stupid map already ## # Data from # Direct link: # Unpack and put the files in a dir 'data' worldMap <- readOGR(dsn="data", layer="TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3") # Change "data" to your path in the above! worldMap.fort <- fortify(, region = "ISO3") # Fortifying a map makes the data frame ggplot uses to draw the map outlines. # "region" or "id" identifies those polygons, and links them to your data. # Look at head(worldMap@data) to see other choices for id. # Your data frame needs a column with matching ids to set as the map_id aesthetic in ggplot. idList <- worldMap@data$ISO3 # "coordinates" extracts centroids of the polygons, in the order listed at worldMap@data centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names # This shapefile contained population data, let's plot it. popList <- worldMap@data$POP2005 pop.df <- data.frame(id = idList, population = popList, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(worldMap.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(aes(group = group), colour = 'black', fill=NA ) + geom_text(data = pop.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = population), size =2)
Plot - of World with no Background
Take away - we can control text layer - but not pretty :-) ### # Trying this ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) ##Steps #1. Read shapefie -- sahpe file-- xD #2. Fortify Shape file name using .fort - table - 2d #3. Get ID list from data portion -- file 1D #4. Get Centroids and name it -- 2D #5. Get Data from @Data$Col of Interest ---file 1D #6. Combine and rename id, center and data (pop) -- 2D #7. Plot the stupid map already ## # Data from # Direct link: # Unpack and put the files in a dir 'data' worldMap <- readOGR(dsn="data", layer="TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3") # Change "data" to your path in the above! worldMap.fort <- fortify(, region = "ISO3") # Fortifying a map makes the data frame ggplot uses to draw the map outlines. # "region" or "id" identifies those polygons, and links them to your data. # Look at head(worldMap@data) to see other choices for id. # Your data frame needs a column with matching ids to set as the map_id aesthetic in ggplot. idList <- worldMap@data$ISO3 # "coordinates" extracts centroids of the polygons, in the order listed at worldMap@data centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names # This shapefile contained population data, let's plot it. popList <- worldMap@data$POP2005 pop.df <- data.frame(id = idList, population = popList, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(worldMap.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(aes(group = group), colour = 'black', fill= NA ) + geom_text(data = pop.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = id), size =2)
Plot GrayScale no fill
# Trying this ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) ##Steps #1. Read shapefie -- sahpe file-- xD #2. Fortify Shape file name using .fort - table - 2d #3. Get ID list from data portion -- file 1D #4. Get Centroids and name it -- 2D #5. Get Data from @Data$Col of Interest ---file 1D #6. Combine and rename id, center and data (pop) -- 2D #7. Plot the stupid map already ## # Data from # Direct link: # Unpack and put the files in a dir 'data' worldMap <- readOGR(dsn="data", layer="TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3") # Change "data" to your path in the above! worldMap.fort <- fortify(, region = "ISO3") # Fortifying a map makes the data frame ggplot uses to draw the map outlines. # "region" or "id" identifies those polygons, and links them to your data. # Look at head(worldMap@data) to see other choices for id. # Your data frame needs a column with matching ids to set as the map_id aesthetic in ggplot. idList <- worldMap@data$ISO3 # "coordinates" extracts centroids of the polygons, in the order listed at worldMap@data centroids.df <- names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names # This shapefile contained population data, let's plot it. popList <- worldMap@data$POP2005 pop.df <- data.frame(id = idList, population = popList, centroids.df) #TRY PLOTTING MAP ggplot(worldMap.fort, aes(long, lat))+ geom_polygon(aes(group = group), colour = 'black', fil=id ) + geom_text(data = pop.df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, label = id), size =2)
Plot What happend :-(
# Trying this ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) setwd("c:/RProgram/RWork") getwd() #Data Source # #Read data worldMap <- readOGR(dsn="worldBorderData", layer="TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3") #View Data - notice same foramt as prov& Terr; 256 vs 13 observiations #also noticed that the population was in the file head(worldMap@data) worldMap@data[200:250,] # look at a range of rows worldMap.fort <- fortify(worldMap, region = "ISO3") #region is a column in the data secition idList <- worldMap@data$ISO3 centroids.df <- #get center we did that names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names # This shapefile contained population data, let's plot it. popList <- worldMap@data$POP2005 pop.df <- data.frame(id = idList, population = popList, centroids.df) worldmapPlot <- ggplot(data = worldMap.fort, aes(x=long, y=lat, fill =id, group = group)) #"id" is col in your df, not in the map object worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + geom_polygon(aes(fill=id, group =id)) worldmapPlot
Plot with Blue LInes
Changes Made to Code # Trying this ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) setwd("c:/RProgram/RWork") getwd() #Data Source # #Read data worldMap <- readOGR(dsn="worldBorderData", layer="TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3") #View Data - notice same foramt as prov& Terr; 256 vs 13 observiations #also noticed that the population was in the file head(worldMap@data) worldMap@data[200:250,] # look at a range of rows worldMap.fort <- fortify(worldMap, region = "ISO3") #region is a column in the data secition idList <- worldMap@data$ISO3 centroids.df <- #get center we did that names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names # This shapefile contained population data, let's plot it. popList <- worldMap@data$POP2005 pop.df <- data.frame(id = idList, population = popList, centroids.df) worldmapPlot <- ggplot(worldMap.fort, aes(x=long, y=lat, fill =id, group = group)) #"id" is col in your df, not in the map object worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + geom_polygon worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + geom_text(data = centroids.df, aes(label = id, x = Longitude, y = Latitude)) #add labels at centroids worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + theme_bw() worldmapPlot
Plot with Labels
Take away Fortify Data table # Trying this Borrowed Code # ## Loading packages library(rgdal) library(plyr) library(rgeos) library(maps) library(maptools) library(mapdata) library(ggplot2) library(RColorBrewer) library(foreign) library(sp) library(scales) setwd("c:/RProgram/RWork") getwd() #Data Source # #Read data worldMap <- readOGR(dsn="worldBorderData", layer="TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3") #View Data - notice same foramt as prov& Terr; 256 vs 13 observiations #also noticed that the population was in the file head(worldMap@data) worldMap@data[200:250,] # look at a range of rows worldMap.fort <- fortify(worldMap, region = "ISO3") #region is a column in the data secition idList <- worldMap@data$ISO3 centroids.df <- #get center we did that names(centroids.df) <- c("Longitude", "Latitude") #more sensible column names # This shapefile contained population data, let's plot it. popList <- worldMap@data$POP2005 pop.df <- data.frame(id = idList, population = popList, centroids.df) worldmapPlot <- ggplot(pop.df, aes(map_id = id)) #"id" is col in your df, not in the map object worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + geom_map(aes(fill = population), colour= "grey", map = worldMap.fort) worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + expand_limits(x = worldMap.fort$long, y = worldMap.fort$lat) #worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + scale_fill_gradient(high = "red", low = "white", guide = "colorbar", labels = comma) worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + geom_text(aes(label = id, x = Longitude, y = Latitude)) #add labels at centroids worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + coord_equal(xlim = c(-90,-30), ylim = c(-60, 20)) #let's view South America worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + labs(x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude", title = "World Population") worldmapPlot <- worldmapPlot + theme_bw() worldmapPlot
Selective Plotting
First plot from tutorial
Plot G
Plot D
Plot C
Third Map
Plot A
The first PLot
Plot B
Second plot