

Giuseppe Nicosia Delorenzo

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Word Predictor (Data Science Specialization - Capstone Project Presentation)
This is the presentation explaining the application built for the Capstone Project of the Coursera Data Science Specialization
Data Science Capstone: Exploratory Data Analysis
Cleaning and exploratory analysis of text data
Which Wheather Events have the Worst Health and Economic Consecuences
In this report we aim to identify which weather event types cause most injuries, deaths, property damage, and crop damage. We are going to work with the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) storm database, the events in the database start in the year 1950 and end in November 2011. We found that the Tornadoes are the biggest cause of injuries and fatalities, while property damage and crop damage is a consequence of the flood and the droughts, respectively.