

Brian Bartling

Recently Published

Fuzzy C-means Presentation
Presentation for Developing Data Products
Fall 2011 First SWYK
Spring 2011 SLA
MCAS-ELA Proficiency
GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP)
This data set deals with the monthly, seasonal, and annual means from the Northern Hemisphere, from 1880-present. The data records the deviations from the corresponding 1951-1980 means. This data shows that global temperature continued to rise rapidly in the 21st century, with new record heights being reached in every decade.
Human Activity Recognition Prediction
Practical Machine Learning Final Project
Transmissions & MPG
Regression Models final project
A spectrographic analysis of the Japanese Etenraku
ToothGrowth Analysis
This document analyzes the ToothGrowth data in the R datasets package.
A Comparison Between the Exponential Distribution and the Central Limit Theorem in R
This project investigates the exponential distribution compared with the Central Limit Theorem in R.
Basic Sonification
This publication outlines a basic data sonification using R.
The Effects of Weather Event Types on Population Health and the Economy
Extract information from the NOAA database