

Jeremy Roscoe

Recently Published

Hawke's Bay Points of Interest
An interactive map focusing on Hawkes Bay with some assorted points along the way from either Auckland or Wellington International airports.
Nextext Pitch
A 5-slide pitch presentation of the Nextext application for the JHU Coursera Data Science Specialisation Capstone project.
Nextext algorithm
A full description of the programming and algorithms used to create the "Nextext" application from the corpus data source through to accuracy calculations.
Swiftkey Capstone Milestone Report
An interim milestone report covering the exploratory analysis of American English corpora of texts from blogs, news and Twitter with the intention of creating a predictive text algorithm.
Soapy App Pitch slidedeck
A 5 slide pitch presentation of the "Soapy" app created in R using the shiny package. It explains the app, its purpose and give some example of how it operates.
New Zealand Secondary Student Math Based Subject Enrolments 2003-2016
An exercise in using the plotly package to create an interactive plot within an R markdown presentation
My New Zealand Kayaking History
An exercise in interactive map creation using the leaflet package in R
Application of Central Limit Theorem to averages of simulated exponential variables
A comparison of the expected theoretical values and distribution derived from the Central Limit Theorem with those derived from averages of simulated random exponential variables.
Effects of Vitamin C on tooth growth in guinea pigs
A basic inferential data analysis of the effects of Vitamin C dosage and delivery method on odontoblast cell growth in guinea pigs
Effects of Severe Weather Events on Public Health and Community Economic Problems across the U.S.A from 1950 to Nov 2011
A Coursera Reproducible Research Project looking at Severe weather event types in the US from 1950 to 2011 and ranking them based on their effects on public health (fatality and injury rates) and community economic problems (property and crop damage).