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The Next Word Catcher
The Next Word Catcher
The Next Word Catcher
Corpuses Exploratory Analysis
The Plotter
Plotting in support of your exploratory data analysis.
The Plotter
Plotting in support of your exploratory data analysis.
The Plotter
Plotting in support of exploratory data analyses.
The Plotter
Plotting in support of your exploratory data analysis.
Population Development in The Netherlands
The Dutch population is aging.
Come visit my country: Holland!
10 popular local attractions
Qualitive Activity Recognition of Weight Lifting Exercises
The weight-lifting data graciously provided by the Human Activity Recognition website are used to develop a prediction model for five different weight-lifting classifications. The model which is based on a random forest technique, features a 0.997 prediction accuracy.
1996-2011 US Storm Event Damages, Injuries and Fatalities
This report summarizes the impact of the US storm events as registered and published by National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA). It shows that over the 1996-2011 period Hurricanes (Typhoons) are the no. 1 cause of property damages and that Drought is so for crop damages. At the same time Tornados are the no. 1 driver of personal injuries, while Excessive heat has caused most fatalities. During the 1996-2011 period the number of Tornados is clearly on the rise, while the occurrences of Hurricanes remain more or less the same. Therefore, the development of storm events over the years should lead to a rising concern regarding the public health. Less so for US properties.