

Anne Schwenker

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Assignment 14
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608 - Project 1
605 Discussion 2
Excersize MO.T34
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606 Final Presentation
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Project Proposal
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606 Lab 0
607 SQL and R assignment
Assignment 1 Anne Schwenker
Week 2 assignment
R Bridge Course Week 2 Assignment One of the challenges in working with data is wrangling. In this assignment we will use R to perform this task. Here is a list of data sets: (click on the csv index for a list) Please select one, download it and perform the following tasks: 1. Use the summary function to gain an overview of the data set. Then display the mean and median for at least two attributes. 2. Create a new data frame with a subset of the columns and rows. Make sure to rename it. 3. Create new column names for the new data frame. 4. Use the summary function to create an overview of your new data frame. The print the mean and median for the same two attributes. Please compare. 5. For at least 3 values in a column please rename so that every value in that column is renamed. For example, suppose I have 20 values of the letter “e” in one column. Rename those values so that all 20 would show as “excellent”. 6. Display enough rows to see examples of all of steps 1-5 above. 7. BONUS – place the original .csv in a github file and have R read from the link. This will be a very useful skill as you progress in your data science education and career. Please submit your .rmd file and the .csv file as well as a link to your RPubs.