

Joan Manuel Perez

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Word Prediction Algorithm
Word Prediction Algorithm is an input technology used where one word represents many words. The Word Prediction Algorithm could allow for predict the next probable word. Predictive word makes efficient use of fewer device keys to input writing into a text message, an e-mail, an address book, a calendar, and the like.
Exploratory/Modeling Data Analysis Milestone Report
This Exploratory/Modeling Data Analysis Milestone Report is a requirement of the Capstone Project for the Coursera Data Science specialization. The goal of the report is to create a predictive text model using a large text corpus of documents as training data. Natural language processing techniques will be used to perform the analysis and build the predictive model. This report describes the major features of the training data with our exploratory data analysis and summarizes our plans for creating the predictive model.
Developing Data Products - R Markdown and Plotly Week 3 Assignment
Developing Data Products - R Markdown and Plotly Week 3 Assignment
Developing Data Products - R Markdown and Leaflet Week 2 Assignment
Developing Data Products - R Markdown and Leaflet Week 2 Assignment
Reproducible Research - Project 2
Reproducible Research of the Effect of Weather Events in US based on U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) database. Synopsis This reproducible research analysis is a special project of the Coursera Reproducible Research course for the Data Science Specialization.