


Recently Published

Initial GCA-SNA
Student Value Investigation
This investigation examined the propensity by which different groups (Condition, Gender, and Environment) selected certain values in the intervention and the correlations of the linguistic dimensions with the values that students selected in interventions.
Manuscript Analyses-v2
Additions: This includes BTE Analyses and Example Essays across the PCs.
Manuscript Analyses-v1
These analyses focus on the in class value affirmation intervention. Principal component and logistic regressions are used to explore differences in control vs. intervention essays and males vs. female intervention essays.
Fall 2017: Women in Intervention Condition Only - In class Vs. ECoach
This analysis includes data exploration, MANOVA, PCA, Logistic Regression, and Naive Bayes Classifier
Mindset and BTE
This first analysis explores potential differences in BTE across psychological intervention conditions, courses, and relevant demographic variables (Gender and Ethnicity). The goal was to first isolate where the intervention is having its intended effect. Once this is found, we can dive deeper to see the linguistic features associated with those narratives. So far there isn’t compelling or consistent evidence that the interventions (DIG or Traditional) are having the intended beneficial influence.
Diving Deeper: women who recieved intervention only
The goal of this is to isolate the potential linguistic differences associated with the beneficial influence of the intervention. Question: Are there linguistic differences between women who received the intervention and performed higher compared those that received the intervention and performed lower.
Fall Value Affirmation Analysis June 19th
In previous analyses, we have been exploring the linguistic characteristics of value affirmation essays. The goal of this work has been to identify the discourse characteristics that may help facilitate the beneficial effects of the value affirmation intervention. Those analyses focused on all courses, and the results were inconsistent. In this analysis, I restricted the courses to those that exhibited the highest differences in BTE across gender and ethnic minorities. Unfortunately, the results here suggest the intervention is not having the intended influence for these underrepresented groups.