

Sefa Ozalp

Recently Published

PCA in Python
Antagonistic keywords in Polish subset
Perennial efforts to create a sensible training sample for anti-Polish sentiments on Twitter.
Figure8 annotation - LGBTI
Report describing a annotation task on figure8.
Crime Lexicon
Here, we create a lexicon of words that can be useful to identify crime, disorder and criminal activity. This lexicon will be used to remove the noise from the Twitter data for the fear of crime paper.
London gang slangs on Twitter
Inspection of London gang slang terms on Twitter.
A quick document to test which campaign has more bots attached tweeting for them.
Word clouds from Abusers of Anna Soubry
This is a short R Markdown that plots word clouds from abusers of MP Anna Soubry. This RMD is a follow-up to the previous ( document which details data collection methods.
Abusers of Anna Soubry
A document detailing scraping data from users who have published threatening and/or abusive content while mentioning MP Anna Soubry on Twitter.
iding patients
Selecting an event Vol3
Plots to help selecting relevant events from the complete dataset we are working with. Does not include most data wrangling steps, mostly focused on time series plots.
Adding Geolocations to Existing Dataset
Adding Geolocations to Existing Dataset
Plotting Geolocations
Selecting a relevant event
Trying to find a timespan in the dataset where Antisemitic hate occurs more frequently than other times.
test for cld packages