

Anna Krystalli

Recently Published

Demo: output
Demo of customising YAML settings
Demo: table of contents
Demo of customising YAML settings
Demo: theme
Demo of customising YAML settings
Demo: highlights
Demo of customising YAML settings
ORDA network visualisation
Example visualisation of an association network after modularity analysis. The interactive visualisation uses R package `visNetwork`, a colour palette from package `wesanderson` and includes drop down selection by node or module.
MozFest #EvoLottery
MozFest #EvoLottery
UNAM species trait evolution
Simulations of species traits evolution collected through collaborative github workshop
UNAM rmarkdown workshop demo
Beavers R Markdown report
test MCMC
Trait evolution
TidyR Exercises
Data exploration in R Markdown
Network Data Availability
#HackTheMarine Talk
Talk given at Hack the City - Marine & Waterways Culture Edition 15 January 2015
Open DEFRA Marine and inland water hack
Details of upcoming 'Better with Data' hack
Don't just sit there: interact!
Building interactive data exploratory apps with #shinyapps & @plotlygraphs Presentation given to Sheffield MolEcol lab meeting, 01/12/2015
Allele & Geno counter README
README for a snippet of workflow created to count and identify alleles and genotypes across loci
Evolution of Sex Roles in Birds exploratory app demo
Demonstration of shiny (integrating plotly) app to the Sheffield R Users group (17/10/2015)