

Jasmine Dumas

Recently Published

AdventuRes in Crafting a Data Science Career
Talk given at the University of Rhode Island Coastal Institute + RhodyRstats R User group
R-Ladies CT kickoff Slides
Extending Shiny by enhancing user experience with shinyLP
A talk presented to the Portland R User Group on January 12th, 2017
Extending Shiny by enhancing user experience with shinyLP
A talk presented to the Portland R User Group on January 12th, 2017
2016 Presidential Election Results in Connecticut (Hillary Clinton only)
To Err is Human: Understanding Error Messages in R
A presentation for introduction to R programming courses to quell new programmer fears and share methods for seeing the beauty in error messages.
Web Scraping the Best of Rotten Tomatoes
rvest, plotly, R
to err is human: decoding error messages in R
This presentation is intended for beginners to the R language who want to overcome fears of decoding messages and will help build portable skills to asses their code and minimize downtime due to R's confusing & cryptic errors
Exploratory Data Analysis of CT Insurance Company Complaints
Insurance submitted complaints for P&C, Healthcare, Life and more in Connecticut from the CT open data portal.
CT Real Estate Sales from 2011-2013
Exploratory Data Analysis and Regression Analysis of data pulled from the website about real estate sales from 2011-2013
Beer advocate Scrape with & R
Getting data on Breweries in Connecticut from from and plotting them on a map!
NOAA: Coursera - Reproducible Research, Assignment 2
Coursera, Johns Hopkins, Data Science Specialization coursework