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Graph reproduction - Wheat Price & Weekly Wage by William Playfair
Reproduction du graphe de William Playfair prix du blé et salaire quotidien (,_and_Wages_of_Labour_by_the_Week,_from_1565_to_1821.png)
Carte des départements français
Inset maps of french overseas departments on France meinland map.
Fake GPS detection
Clustering des communes françaises
Cluster analysis + shiny app
Machine Learning Example
Simple machine learning implementation using classification example, with logistic regression and random forest (plus H2O auto machine learning)
Révolution Française
Chronologie, évènements détaillés, personnages clés. (ggplot and plotly timeline)
Game of Thrones "Who killed Whom"
Network and other graphs related to game of Thrones. (aka "Kikatuéki")
Radars Automatiques en France - Visualisation et Cartographie
Divers graphes et cartes, relatives aux radars automatiques en France
Sports Elite Clubs in France
Moby Dick - Word Count