

Charles Westby

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ABC Private Limited Sales Predictions
ABC Private Limited is a retail company that would like to understand the purchasing habits of their customers so that they can offer a personalized list of products that would interest those customers. This report will explore a month’s worth of sales data from ABC Private Limited.
Big Mart Sales Predictions
What can Big Mart expect in sales for each item in its outlet locations? This report will explore the relationship between item sales at Big Mart locations and certain factors like Outlet Size, Outlet Type, Item MRP, Item Visibility and other variables.
Loan Me Money
This paper explores the building of a machine learning model that will decide whether a person is approved or denied for a bank loan based on several factors in the dataset.
Surviving The Titanic
Almost everyone is familiar with the sinking of the Titanic. When the large ship sunk in the Atlantic, killing a majority of its passengers, it stunned the world. This report explores a dataset containing information on passengers on the Titanic. Some survived and some passed away. In the end, a machine learning model will be built using this information, in order to predict who will survive the Titanic given a different set of passengers.
Which Iris?
This report explores the relationship between three different species of iris and their measurements sepal length, sepal width, petal length and petal width.
Guessing Form
This paper explores the building of a Machine Learning model to accurately guess proper form and four mistakes in form made when people do barbell lifts while wearing the device. It takes data from a study where participants wore the device and were asked to perform the exercise in five different manners. This model can now be used to diagnose errors in form when people wear the device
Regression Analysis 1974 Motor Trend US Magazine Cars
Here we will look at 32 automobiles that are 1973-1974 models and try to find out if manual transmissions get better mpg than automatic transmissions
Statistical Inference in Tooth Growth
This paper makes inferences on data from an experiment in the length of odontoblasts in guinea pigs. In the experiment 60 guinea pigs were given Vitamin C via different supplements and at different dosages. We examine which factors played the most part in the growth of odontoblasts in the teeth of guinea pigs
Storm Data Analysis
This is a Coursera assignment from the class Reproducible Research. It checks the person's ability to use R and RMarkdown. In it we will look at which types of weather events cause the most economic and public health damage
Swiftkey Exploratory Analysis
This is a report where we word mined several documents to find the most common words within them.
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Coursera Reproducible Research Peer Assessment 2