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Data Wrangling Cheat Sheet
A cheat sheet for wrangling tasks that I find myself often doing but don't always remember how!
Spatial Structures: ABS, Non-ABS, and Non-ASGS
A guide comparing the ASGS spatial structures, demonstrating how to acquire these spatial structures using the absmapsdata package, and demonstrating how to define several non-ASGS structures.
Computing Centroids of Polygons
A guide demonstrating several methods for computing centroids of areas, and a discussion of the pros and cons of each.
Creating Artificial Maps and Shapefiles in R
A guide demonstrating how to create fictitious maps that either resemble artificial square grids or more realistic looking geographic units like counties/suburbs.
Creating and Manipulating Polygon Objects in R
A guide demonstrating how to create spatial polygon objects and how to manipulate them, e.g. finding intersections, unions, clipping them, etc.
Publicly Available Spatial Data Sets
The purpose of this document is to provide researchers with a practical guide on acquiring publicly available spatial data sets, detailing where the data is located and providing R code for downloading/reading in the data and associated shapefiles. Some plots of the data are also provided in a unified way.
A Guide to (Re-)Installing R and Related Software
A guide to help you in debugging errors when installing R, RStudio, R packages, and commonly used related software like WinBUGS, JAGS, and Stan.