

Eduardo W. Ferreira

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Exploring Quantum Effects: Insights from the Astonishing Science of Empty Space
In the documentary ‘Everything and Nothing: The Astonishing Science of Empty Space,’ an experiment involving laser-induced fluctuations in a vacuum was showcased. This brief exploration captures the reported measurements and conducts statistical analysis using R. We explore the potential association of these measurements with the fine structure constant through bootstrapping, t-tests, and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Our findings indicate a significant discrepancy between the very few experimental measurements and the fine structure constant, suggesting the need for further measurement data and investigation.
How much are charity, fundraising, NGO and not-for-profit jobs currently paying their new staff? Web scrapping CharityJobs...
In this post I try to explore this and some other related questions using public recruitment data from the CharityJobs website ( According to CharityJob, the site is the United Kingdom's busiest one for charity, fundraising, NGO and not for profit jobs.