

Koffi Frederic SESSIE

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Exploring Financial Markets with Euronext R Package
Unlock the power of financial data from the Euronext stock exchange with the Euronext R package. Dive into the world of stocks, indices, funds, ETFs, and bonds, and harness the convenience of a user-friendly interface for seamless data retrieval. Whether you're a researcher, investor, or financial enthusiast, this package provides a valuable resource for accessing and analyzing historical data, share prices, trading volumes, and more. Explore the comprehensive features, gain insights, and make informed decisions in the dynamic landscape of European financial markets. Get in touch with Euronext package and elevate your understanding of financial markets through the lens of R.
Library BRVM
BRVM is an R package that provides real-time data from the BRVM (“Regional Securities Exchange SA” call Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières in french). As a goal, we want to facilitate access to data for all users of the R programming language. This package includes a variety of data accessible just by function call.
Visualisation of BRVM stock exchange data
Help to visualise brvm stock closing price
BRVM stocks closing price : visualisation by sector
Help to visualise brvm stock closing price
BRVM stocks closing price : visualisation by sector
The document allows you to view the evolution of closing prices of shares listed on the BRVM