

Juste Aristide Goungounga

Recently Published

curesurv is an R-package to fit a variaty of cure models using excess hazard modelling methodology. It can be a mixture cure model with the survival of uncured patients following a Weibull (Botta et al. 2023, BMC Medical Research Methodology). The package also implements non-mixture cure models such as the time-to-null excess hazard model proposed by Boussari et al (2021) (Boussari et al. 2021). If the modelling assumption of comparability between the expected hazard in the study cohort and the general population doesn’t hold, an extra effect (due to life table mismatch) can be estimated for these two classes of cure models. In the following we will only be interested by mixture cure models implemented in the curesurv R-package.
Test du χ2 et Z test : les fonctions r prop.test() et chisq.test()
Undertand some difference between prop.test() and chisq.test() functions