

Guy Larange

Recently Published

Testing Keras in R
NIST digit recognition
The BUGS Pumps Bayesian Hierarchical model, Gibbs and M-H methods
We derive the Pumps model Bayesian model from BUGS documentation. We estimate the parameters through explicit Gibbs and M-H routines and compare to BUGS results.
Applying Association Rules to Instacart Customers Transaction History
CSUEB - STATS 6620/Prof. Eric Suess - Spring 2017 Gui Larangeira - Final Project
We perform SVM with two kernels, Vanilla and RBF. We notice the improvements. We add a "by Letter" Accuracy
CSUEB STATS 6310 - Spring 2017 - Prof B Trumbo - Final Project
Three Applications of Markov Chains and Gibbs Sampling Guilherme G. Larangeira California State University, East Bay, M.S Statistics Candidate Keywords: Stochastic Processes, Bayesian Inference, Gibbs Sampler, Business Applications, Finance, Spam Filters, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods, R Statistical Software, WinBUGS
Cal. State Univ. East Bay - STATS 6620 - Machine Learning with R - Spring 2017 - Prof. Eric Suess
We apply Logistic Regression Binary Classification to Challenger Space Shuttle O-Ring and Credit Data
Predicting Wine Quality Scores with Regression Trees
Wine Quality Scores are subjective scores assigned by professional wine critics. One can run a regression model between the physiochemical properties of the wine and the scores to predict scores and understand what are the key properties to achieve high scores.
Picking Mushrooms with R (Try this at home but not in the woods!)
Homework 4 for CSUEB STATS_6620 with Prof Eric Suess