

Hunter Ratliff

Recently Published

CHG & HAIs (v2)
Now looking at multiple HAIs
Health Literacy of WVU Neurosurgical Patients
Exploratory analysis of neurosurgical patients' responses to the All Aspects of Health Literacy Scale (AAHLS) survey
Jupiter meeting 2/6/20
NSFG Data Wrangle
Takes the data from the CSVs produced from SAS and creates the two datasets for the project
Some NSFG Logit Models
Some working models for the NSFG dataset used for the final project in the MPH biostats class
Exploratory Data Analysis for the NSFG dataset used for the final project in the MPH biostats class
AANS Pituitary Incidentaloma
Reddit Question - PHQ9 scores
HRTC Poster Figures
Poster figures for the Health Relationship Text Campaign poster presented at UTMB
HRTC Stats
Statistics from the Health Relationships Text Campaign poster presented at UTMB in March 2019
Video call from 2016-09-07
Tuesday Schedule (MS)
Parvo Reports
Parvo Volunteer vs AM/PM matrix
Who Listens To Music? - Slides from Geni's Project
Part of a project that I helped my girlfriend with for her stats class. Original publish date was 2015-11-17, but I've updated it since she submitted the assignment. These are the final slides for her project
Geni's Stat's Project - Preliminary Report
Part of a project that I helped my girlfriend with for her stats class. Original publish date was 2015-11-17, but I've updated it since she submitted the assignment. This was the preliminary exploration of her dataset
25 Best Jobs in America (via Glassdoor)
SOURCES: Article: Data: Code:
Austin Pets Alive: Volunteer Hours in 2015
Overview of hours logged by APA volunteers in 2015. Github: HunterRatliff1/AustinPetsAlive/07 End of Year 2015/Volunteer_Hours_2015.Rmd Source_gsheet_id: 1MTZUp9LZNt27F99Xkpo7o1YwiNFexTWYWgOt7id9ivs
Importing Data Directly Into R
How to import data sets directly from USA government APIs
Who Listens To Music
Project for SDS 328M (Fall '15) at UT Austin
Gov310L Notes - Heatmap of Key Terms
A heatmap of the word frequency for my GOV310L notes for key vocab words and concepts. Note: this is not the same data set as this pub
Gov310L Notes - Heatmap of Words
A simple heatmap of the word frequency for my GOV310L notes. Colors are scaled to each word by lecture
The Counted
Austin Animal Center: Outcomes
Charlie Strong
Volunteer Age & Engagement
SDS Project
Gene Dossier List
Austin Pets Alive: Top Volunteers
Created: November 6th, 2015 Contact: Alternate Contact:
DMS HSSC Demographics
DMS HSSC Demographics
Less that 5
Austin Pets Alive: Yearly volunteer hours by number of Vol2 entries
Scatter plot showing relationship between volunteer's total hours and the number of entries they've submitted to Vol2. It is further broken down by color & point size, indicating the number of teams the volunteer has participated on
Austin Pets Alive: Yearly summation of hours volunteered by number of teams volunteer is memeber of
Histogram illustrating the summation of volunteer hours for each of the 2582 volunteers who have logged hours in the past year (2014-10-25 to 2015-10-25). Each histogram bin is further broken down into colors indicative of the number of unique teams that each volunteer has participated with
APA: Who walks dogs in the rain?
Size :: Number of volunteers who came in that day Color :: Amount of precipitation recorded for that day
CoA Courts: Frequency of case type over time
CoA Municipal Court Cases: Frequency of case type over time
Austin Police Department
Austin Police Department
Publish Plot