

Mena Ning WANG

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Errors and Exception Handling in Python
Errors are common in coding. Exception handling can help our code to 1) keep running despite of any errors and 2) at the same time produce informative alerts to help identify relevant problems.
Customer Churn Modeling
This is a demo of the workflow of customer churn modeling. Techniques used include Tidymodels (Data preprocessing), (Model training), and LIME (Model explanation).
Modules (Libraries/Packages) and Functions
A R user's python learning note. This one on the very basic topic of loading modules and functions.
For and While Loops in Python
Demonstrate FOR and WHILE loops in Python, with a focus on FOR loops.
Two Special Types of Strings in Python
It is interesting to learn that there are two special types of strings, raw strings and f-strings in Python.
Working with Missing Data
One of the most prevalent characteristics of real-world data is arguably the presence of missing values. While the best strategy to treat missing values largely depends on the purpose of our analysis and the algorithm to be used, the first step is always to identify the magnitude and patterns of missing in our data. Missing value identification is therefore important: oversight or negligence could easily bias our analysis. Here I will share my workflow and favorite tools in this “detective work”. Hope it is of some help and would love to hear your thoughts too. :)
Mutable vs Immutable Data Object
Mutable objects can be changed after they have been created, while immutable objects can't. In this note, this distinction is demonstrated by attempts to change a list (mutable) vs a tuple (immutable).
Shallow vs Deep Copy, and Other Weird Behaviors of Python Lists
Something weird, interesting and worth noting about Python lists.
Functions vs Methods
Another R user's learning note on Python.
R & Python Note: SKLearn vs Tidymodels (Part I)
This is a short note about Scikit-Learn in Python versus Tidymodels in R. Throughout the note, R and Python code are compared side by side. I keep it mainly as a study note, but hopefully it might be of interest to some R users learning Python, and Python users learning R.
R & Python Note: Pandas (Part I)
This is a short note about DataFrames in R and Python. Throughout the note, R and Python code are compared side by side. I keep it mainly as a study note, but hopefully it might be of interest to some R users learning Python, and Python users learning R.
R & Python Basics 3 : If and Loops
This is a short note about IF, ELSE IF and LOOPS in R and Python. Throughout the note, R and Python code are compared side by side. I keep it mainly as a study note, but hopefully it might be of interest to some R users learning Python, and Python users learning R.
R & Python Basics 2: Data Structure
This is a short note about data structure and how sometimes they behave differently in R and Python. Throughout the note, R and Python code are compared side by side. I keep it mainly as a study note, but hopefully it might be of interest to some R users learning Python, and Python users learning R.
R & Python Basics 1: Data Type
This is a short note about data types and how sometimes they behave differently in R and Python. Throughout the note, R and Python code are compared side by side. I keep it mainly as a study note, but hopefully it might be of interest to some R users learning Python, and Python users learning R.
Automation with Python (Chapter 1) -- An R User's Learning Note
This is a study note sharing an R user's reflection on learning Python. Where relevant, I produced some R code to compare with Python code. I hope the discussion is of interest to both R users learning Python and python users learning R.
Discussion: Subdivision of Criminal Incidents
There are 25 subdivisions of criminal incidents recorded in the data. What is the best way to visualize them? This is a temporary draft for discussion purposes.
Data Preparation: Melbourne Property Price
Process to explore and prepare the data for Decision Tree and GBM modeling.
Data Engineering: Combine Excel Files
A simple data engineering project that combines multiple excel files in different formats to enable visualization and analysis.
Data Preparation for Modeling (Imputation of Missing Values)
Code for data preparation. The main issue being dealt with here is the imputation of a large amount of missing values. A link also provided to download the data at GitHub.
Log vs Linear Graphs
Four graphs based on the same data, seek to shed light on the comparison between log and linear graphs.
Explore the Effectiveness of COVID19 Vaccines
Analyzing the effect of Covid-19 vaccine rate on new cases and deaths through the Many-Models approach, where the same model was estimated among each and every entity then summarized to gain a comprehensive picture of vaccine effectiveness worldwide.