

Naim Cinar

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Eurovision 2023 Songs - Spotify Popularity
Bump Chart: Popularity of Eurovision 2023 Songs on Spotify
CIDA Sunum
Analiz bulguları
specific time 1 - skipgram analysis
december 27th - january 02nd
Tweets Data Table - Reactable
58016 adet unique tweeti içeren data table.
Final Analysis
#Pınargültekin cinayetiyle ilgili Tweetlerin analizleri.
Time Series of Tweets - #PınarGültekin
plot of the time series of tweets per hour.
#challengeaccepted TR Tweets
July 26 - August 05 2020, tweets in Turkish
#challengeaccepted EN TweetsHTML
July 26 - August 05, Tweets (in EN language) which include at least one of those hashtags: #challengeaccepted, #istanbulconvention, #blackandwhitechallenge note: some tweets with only #challengeaccepted hashtag are not related with the online movement.
OmmxArt - Facebook Posts
A database of OmmxArt - Facebook Posts
Time Magazine Facebook post - Elliot Page
Time magazine's post on March 16th about the Elliot Page cover story (
Vanity Fair Facebook Post - Caitlyn Jenner
anity Fair when they had Caitlyn Jenner's coming out on the cover (
#istanbulsozlesmesi hashtag - EN
A set of tweets include #istanbulsozlesmesi (language = EN). The data includes tweets posted in react to Turkey's announced withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention. (30000 tweets posted between 04.20.2021 - 04.27.2021)
#istanbulsozlesmesiyasatir hashtag - TR
A set of tweets include #istanbulsozlesmesiyasatir (language = TR). The data includes tweets posted in react to Turkey's announced withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention. (30000 tweets posted between 04.20.2021 - 04.27.2021)
Exploratory Factor Analysis - Pilot Study - HALUK
This is the EFa of the pilot study
Sezgin Tez
A searchable database of #PınarÜrünleriBoykot hashtag. The dataset includes 1124 tweets from 18.04.2017 to 03.05.2017 and some more from the months of May to September 2017.
Future Lions - ENTRIES
Submissions to Future Lions Competition between 2013-2019. The dataset includes 30 decoded videos for each year.