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Association between number of goals and number of indicators
In this R notebook, I analyse survey data to determine if the number of IAM strategic goals is positively associated with the number of IAM performance indicators used by organizations. Because both variables are discrete and ordinal, I use Kendall's Tau for the statistical test and visualization is done with scatter plots.
Visualizing the number of IAM performance indicators used by organizations
In this R notebook, I analyse survey data related to IAM performance indicators actively used by organizations. I then use a Box and Whisker plot to visualize the data and enhance it by overlaying the data points instead of only displaying the outliers.
Visualizing whether IAM indicators are automated
In this R notebook, I analyse survey data about the degree of automation implemented by organizations for the collection, computation and reporting of IAM performance indicators.
Visualizing whether IAM teams are predominently shared or dedicated
In this R notebook, I analyse survey data related to whether Identity and Access Management (IAM) teams are predominantly shared or dedicated in organizations, split by IAM sub-domains of activity and for IAM as a whole. A likert chart is used to display the data.
Visualizing the goals and priorities of IAM
In this R notebook, I analyse survey data related to goals set for Identity and Access Management (IAM) by organizations. Several visualization methods are used including: likert chart, pie chart and multi-histograms.
Visualizing the reporting lines of the IAM Manager with a Euler chart
As part of the IAM Performance Measurement 2020 Survey, I surveyed IAM professionals about the reporting lines IAM managers in their organization. In this data analysis notebook, I use R to produce an Euler chart to visualize the answers to this question.