

P. A. Velasquez Vasconez

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Deficit Hidrico em MT
Experimento de Mp
Experimentos 2 e 3 seca
ANOVAS experimento1
Análisis de normalidad
QQ-plot, Shapiro-Wilk test, and histogram graph
Genetic Map in Mimulus sp.
We constructed a genetic linkage map of an F2 population of an interespecific cross between *M. guttatus* and *M. nasutus*. For more details about this study see the originial article <>.
Mapping and Analysis of QTLs in F2 population
As part of the homework of the class of **Biometrics of Genetic Markers**, offered by Dsc. **Antonio Augusto Franco Garcia, ESALQ-USP,** we constructed a genetic linkage map of an F2 population using software OneMap version 2.0.7. The QTL mapping studies were conducted using R/qtl software version 1.40-8
Mapping and QTLs Analysis in Backcrosses Populations
We constructed a genetic linkage map of an backcrosses population using software OneMap Version 2.0.7. Besides, the QTL mapping studies were conducted using R/qtl software version 1.40-8
Mapeamento Genético em Espécies de Mimulus
Mapeamento Genético de uma população interespecífica entre M. gluttatus e M. nasutus.
Ensayo 1
Ensayo 1