

Tural Naghiyev

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API tutorial Reed Loop
API tutorial Reed
API tutorial on website, using API key
API tutorial givefood
This tutorial is about make data collection via API . sample is charity website API
WordCloud for Social&Web analytics
WordCloud simple analytics method for social media and web analytics
Analytics methods used in Banking
The list of top 10 analytics techniques used in Bank sector
Top Analytics techniques
Top 20 analytics techniques and their use cases
Credit Card Fraud Detection
Bank Client Churn
Churn project
Scrape yelo comments
Scraping comments, ratings from website and making sensitive analysis
Sentimental analysis youtube
This is tutotial about making sentimental analysis on the youtube movie comments via syuzhet library
Fetching data from website
In R we can get data from the various resourses and one of them is getting datat from database. In this articel we are going to fetch datat from MySQL database
Wolt restaurants
Getting all restaurants from wolt Baku
Scrape job searchers from the local advertising web site
Distinct database of car seller contact numbers from
Random Demo Diabet
This chapter introduces the statistical concepts necessary to understand p-values and confidence intervals. These terms are ubiquitous in the life science literature
K-means demo on Bank customer segmentation
Istenilen texnika suruculerinin kontakt siyahisi
Workshop on stringr package to cleaning and manipulating data in R language. stringr is a part of tidyverse package..
Linear Regression workshop based on data fetched from car sale website
Getting API: NASA demo
Overview This is a simple api to return the current location of the ISS. It returns the current latitude and longitude of the space station with a unix timestamp for the time the location was valid. This API takes no inputs.
Article for scraping website
In this demo we are going to scrap some data from local car sale announcment webpage
How to choose chart type
The whole purpose of using data visualization is to make data communication more efficient. Which graph type is correct for some situation?!
Loops and if
Loops: for, while, repeat if condition Advanced loop: apply()
Enviornment and Scope
R Programming Environment Environment can be thought of as a collection of objects (functions, variables etc.)
Workshop ggseg -Brain Atlas Demo
This package mainly contains a plotting function ggseg3d and data.frames of different brain atlases for plotting. This package aims to make it possible to plot results directly through R.
WS Data Structures
matrix, vector, list Bank Customer Data manipluation
Here, we will use R‘s WDI package to download, wrangle, analyze and plot the World Bank’s data. Example is about military expenditures of three Caucasian countries
This workshop for my mba students in ASOIU, subject Data Analytics with R This is simple presentation of whole analysis phases Defining the question Collecting the data Cleaning the data Analyzing the data Visualizing and sharing