

Ruby O Hoyland

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Prototype - Decision Support Resource for Assessing Geosite Sensitivity to Fire
A decision tree to aide managers in determining the sensitivity of a geosite to fire. Click on a node to view child-nodes. The prototype has been developed using Tasmanian Geoconservation Database (TGD) listed geosites and their attributes; the 'Number_Geosites' refers to the number of TGD geosites which were categorised into the category. It does not provide a comprehensive representation of all possible geosite sensitivities to fire, but is a baseline for understanding the characteristics which contribute to geosite sensitivity.
Spatio-temporal Impacts of Fire on Geodiversity Elements
Spatial and temporal impacts of fire on geodiversity elements. Fire impacts geodiversity elements and values in several ways. Each point on the above graph indicates an impact, with its location relative to the spatial and temporal range where it occurs.