

Ramanujam Rajagopal

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CLT Discussion
Week4 Assignment
I just tried problems 4 and 5. I just followed your solution. But I worked after I read the concept and it is very similar to Binomial distribution. Thanks for your help and support.
Homework 3
Please ignore those submitted yesterday. This is a little better. This file has two questions.
Homework 3
Please ignore those submitted yesterday. This is a little better. This file has three questions.
Homework 3
Please ignore those submitted yesterday. This is a little better. This file has 3 questions.
Homework 3
I will submit questions 4 and 5 later. Because I was working on this question last saturday. I had issues with some of the questions. I fixed the issues after referring to your solutions. Question 4 and Question 5 I have to spend some time understanding the logic and then I will try to resolve it.
Homework Week1
# Import Data from the local drive mytraindata<-read.csv(file="C:/R/classwork/train.csv", header=TRUE) mytraindata # to see the current directory getwd() setwd("C:/R/classwork") head(mytraindata) tail(mytraindata) str(mytraindata) install.packages("psych") library("psych") describe(mytraindata) psych::describe(mytraindata) data("mytraindata") describe(mytraindata) head(mytraindata) mean(mytraindata$PassengerId) mean(mytraindata$Survied) class(mytraindata) typeof(mytraindata) is.integer(mytraindata$PassengerId) is.integer(array(mytraindata)) sd(mytraindata$PassengerId)