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Comparing Hallucinogen and Stimulant Users
This analysis seeks to explore differences between respondents’ use of hallucinogens and use of stimulants. Stimulants, sometimes called “uppers” has an effect on users by increasing alertness, elevating blood pressure and increasing heart rate and respiration. On the contrary, hallucinogens affect a person’s perception, sensation, thinking, self-awareness, and emotion. With this analysis, the investigative approach is to highlight whether a person’s use of stimulants and/or hallucinogens reflect a differentiated finding related to use of other drugs, education attainment, employment metrics, and perception of overall health.
Drug and Health Data Analysis Prep
Formulated analysis plan to conduct research on the National Survey of Drug Use & Health dataset.
Area of Residence, Killings of African Americans by Police, and Feelings Towards Police
This analysis seeks to answer two questions.
Question 1: Is a person’s residential area related to their feelings towards police?
Question 2: The residential area where a person lives, is it related to their belief that the killings of African American men by police are isolated incidence or part of a greater pattern of how police treat African Americans?
Analysis of Ideologies and Feelings Towards Different Racial Groups
Introductory assignment to gain familiarity with creating different modes of data visualization.
Feelings Towards Muslims, Blacks and Hispanics According to Ideology
Introductory assignment to establish skills required to manipulate data such changing variables and organizing data sets in preparation for visualization.
Voter Data Analysis
An analysis outlining the correlation between the gender and race of voters in relation to their favorability of Obama during the 2016 presidential campaign.