Recently Published
Some stuff.
Plots for "The Extrema of Japanese Literacy: Beyond the Bounds of Average Reading"
Plots for the manuscript "The Extrema of Japanese Literacy: Beyond the Bounds of Average Reading."
The Linear Algebra of Linear Regression
This tutorial shows some of the things going on under the hood with respect to OLS regression coefficient estimation.
Simulation-Based Inference
A tutorial on the basics of the data generating process (DGP) and simulating data in R for statistical inference.
Stats in R - Part 7: Two Sample T-Tests
Here we move on from one sample t-tests to two sample t-tests. I discuss important issues like homogeneity of variance, extrema in NHST, and comparisons of t-tests to linear regression.
Stats in R - Part 6: One Sample T-Tests
A tutorial on one-sample t-tests in R.
Stats in R - Part 5: Standard Error and Z-Tests
This tutorial explores the beginnings of inferential testing: standard error and z-tests.
Stats in R - Part 4: Learning GGPLOT
The ggplot2 package is a powerful tool for learning how to visualize data. We will cover a number of fundamental functions in this package for use in later tutorials.
Stats in R - Part 3: Learning DPLYR
It's time to learn how to wrangle data in one of the most useful family of packages in R: the tidyverse!
Stats in R - Part 2: Measures of Central Tendency and Spread
Exploring types of variables, variation, central tendency, and simulating normally distributed data.
Stats in R - Part 1: The Basics
A basic introductory tutorial to using R.
Cohen’s D: Why Sample Size Matters
A simulation of sample size effects on Cohen's d effect size measures.