

Sutham jirapanakorn

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Create choropleth map by R.
Deal with Excel date in R
Basic statistical analysis with R : continuous data comparison part 3
More than 2 groups comparison.
Basic statistical analysis with R : continuous data comparison part 2
Non parametric comparison.
Basic statistical analysis with R : categorical data comparison
This is a part of basic statistical analysis topic of FETP training, Thailand. This article aim to provide basis R code about basic categorical data comparison for those who not familiar with R. The data set for this article is not provided.
Basic statistical analysis with R.
This is a part of basic statistical analysis topic of FETP training, Thailand. This article aim to provide basis R code for those who not familiar with R.
Another example of logistic regression
This topic is for those who interested in how to use logistic regression model for basic epidemiology study with R. This topic is a part of FETP biostatistic course so I can not provide the dataset for you.
Logistic regression with R
This topic is for those who interested in how to use logistic regression model for basic epidemiology study with R. This topic is a part of FETP biostatistic course so I can not provide the dataset for you.
Basic linear regression usage
This article is a part of FETP biostatistic course. So I can not provide the dataset used in this article.
Basic statistical analysis skill.
This article is a practice about some basic statistical analysis, which is a part of FETP basis data analysis course.
Example of EDA
This is a quick simple example of exploratory data analysis (EDA) step by cleaning and building some plots.
dplyr::pivot example
I started learning about tidyverse package for a while and trying to practice data manipulation by using real life data set. I found this dataset is a good example of untidy data that can be manipulated by pivot function of dplyr package, a adjunct package of tidyverse.So I write this article to provide an example of how to use pivot function for data manipulation. Enjoy.
Motor Trend
This article is a part of "Regression Models" course final project on Coursera.
Visualizing Data in the Tidyverse course project
This is a part of Visualizing Data in the Tidyverse course project by JHU.
Multiple logistic regression of diabetic dataset
This article is a part of Logistic Regression in R for Public Health by Imperial College London course.The study question of this article is "What are the factors that predict whether patients have diabetes ?"
COPD data multiple regression
This article is a part of linear regression in R in public health course.The study question of this article is "What are the factors that predict quality of life in COPD patients?"
Hangman word prediction slide
This slide is a part of final project of Data science capstone course form JHU with SwifKey.
Milestone Report
This article is a part of Data Science Capstone course by JHU and SwiftKey. The goals of this article are to demonstrate exploratory data analysis and modeling step of text mining project on provided datasets.
Adult BMI Calculator
This is a part of Course Project: Shiny Application and Reproducible Pitch.
Hospitals around Thailand ministry of public health.
This article is a part of week 2 assignment of Developing Data Project course. The propose of this article is to create the Leaflet interactive map to locate hospitals around Thailand ministry of public health.
Tonadoes and Storm surge are most harmful disaster across United States
This article is the part of Reproducible research course assignment from Coursera