Recently Published
Linear Regression and Calculus in R
This document contains linear regression and Calculus. HW3 Data 605
Probabilities and Distributions
HW 2 Data 605
Geometric Transformation of Shapes and Image Processing
This document contains geometric transformation of shapes using matrix multiplication and image processing in R
Predicting the PH of Beverages Using Linear, Non Linear and Tree Regression
Data 624 Project 2
Regression Trees and Rules
HW9 Data 624
Nonlinear Regression Techniques
HW8 Data 624
Linear Regression and Its Cousins
Data 624 HW 7
Forecasting ATM, Residential Power and Water Flow (Elongated markdown)
Project 1 Data 624
Forecasting ATM, Residential Power and Water Flow
Project 1 Data 624
ARIMA Modeling
HW6 Data 624
Exponential Smoothing Forecast
HW5 Data 624
Data Preprocessing
HW4 Data 624
The Forecaster's Toolbox
HW3 Data 624
Time Series Decomposition
Data 624 HW2
Time Series Plots
HW1 Data 624
Predicting Wine Sales With Certain Properties
This Document contains multiple algorithm to solve count problems.
HW5: Data 621
Predicting The Probability Of A Car Crash And It's Cost
A Combination of Logistic Regression and Multiple linear regression with transformation.
HW4 Data 621
Classification Model Metrics
The document contains the metrics for classification models such as logistic regression.
Home work 2 Data 621
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Story 1: Data 608
Leveraging Apache Spark️ for Big Data and Recurrent Neural Network to Predict Stock Price
Final Project Data 607
Multiple linear Regression
Data 606 Lab 9
Logistic Regression
Data 606 Final Project
Linear Regression
Assignment 8 Data 606
Reverse Engineering AirBnB Recommender System
This Document contain text which focus on reverse engineering AirBnB algorithm and suggestion some recommendation in order to improve their algorithm
Discussion and Assignment DATA 607 week 11
GGPLOT2 Vignette
Tidyverse create Assignment data 607
Logistic regression part 1
Project proposal
Sentiment Analysis
Assignment week 10: Data 607
Inference for numerical data
Data 606 Assignment 7
Working with NYT API
Data 607 Assignment week 9
Most Important Skill of Data Scientist
Project 3 Data 607
Inference on Proportion
Labs 6 Data 606
Confidence Intervals
Data 606 Lab : 5B
Sampling Distributions
Data 606 Lab : 5A
Working HTML,XML and JSON
Assignment week 7
Data 606: Lab 4
Project 1: Data analysis
Data extraction from a text file and converting into a csv
Assignment 1: Data 607
This document contains the assignment 1 of course Data 607: Data Acquisition and management
Home Work week 2
R bridge workshop home work for week 2
Final Project
Final Project for R bridge workshop
Hands-on week 1
The file contains code for hands-on quiz week 1 for R bridge workshop
Home Work week 1
Html Document of the code for week one home work (R Bridge Workshop)