

Abhishek Ajmera

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Location Finder
Enter coordinates and see the point on the map and get its country
DDP week 3 assighnment
IPL Instagram Followers Comparison
The plot depicts various IPL (Indian Premier League) teams represented by their team logo and a pop-up specifying the team name and number of Instagram followers. The logos are placed at the location (latitude and longitude) of the home stadiums of these respective teams eg: Mumbai Indians’ logo is placed at the coordinates of the Wankhede Stadium. The radius around the logos are indicative of the number of followers these teams have on Instagram. To make the plot more discernible, I have taken the approximate count of the number of million subscribers of each team and multiplied it by 15 as the radius and applied unique colors to each team. Developing Data Products week 2 Assignment
Storm dataset exploration
Reproduceable research : week 4 assigment