

Alicia Herrera Ulibarri

Recently Published

Hotspots of microplastics in beaches in the Macaronesian region
Microplastics in beaches. Data from IMPLAMAC project.
Hotspots of microplastics in beaches in the Macaronesian region
Microplastics in beaches. Data from IMPLAMAC project.
IMPLAMAC Manta net sampling
Sampling points of neustonic microplastics within IMPLAMAC project
IMPLAMAC Manta net sampling
Sampling sites
IMPLAMAC Expedition
Sampling sites
Inventario de Basuras Marinas en Alegranza
Cuantificación y clasificación de basuras marinas en Alegranza, Islas Canarias.
Microplásticos en peces
Mapa del muestreo de peces para estudio de la ingestión de microplásticos.
Proyecto Tamaragua
Mapa interactivo con los datos obtenidos gracias a los voluntarios del proyecto Tamaragua de Ciencia Ciudadana en colaboración con el grupo de investigación EOMAR de la ULPGC
Tabla con paquete gt
Curso de R
Ejemplo para publicar un documento en RPubs
box plot color
Sampling areas manta net
Mean microplastics per fish
% Types of microplastics
Percentage of type of microplatics found in the stomach content of Scomber colias in the Canary Islands
% of Colors in Fibres
Percentage of colors in fibers found in the stomach content of Scomber colias in the Canary Islands
% of Colors in Fragments
Percentage of colors in fragments found in the stomach content of Scomber colias in the Canary Islands
% of Colors in Microplastics
Percentage of colors in microplastics found in the stomach contents of Scomber colias in the Canary Islands
% Types of microplastics
Percentage of types of microplastics found in the stomach content of Scomber colias in the Canary Islands
% of Colors in Microplastics
Percentage of colors in microplastics found in the stomach content of Scomber colias in the Canary Islands
% Colors of Fragments
Percentage of colors in fragments found in the stomach content of Scomber colias in the Canary Islands
% Colors of Fibers
Percentage of colors in fibers found in the stomach content of Scomber colias in the Canary Islands
Marine Debris in Famara
Marine Debris in Playa Lambra
Marine Debris in Las Canteras